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Lagerregal moves somewhere between energetic house music and captivating techno tracks. Euphoria, interaction, and spontaneity characterize our live performances. Through live looping and experimental musical elements, we create a soundscape that envelops the audience and captivates everyone with us.




with  Cornelius Reitmayr, Tina Tepper, Tanja Tepper and Emil Kroll


28.06. Fusion Festival / Lärz, Germany

04.05. Humboldthain / Berlin, Germany

03.05. Casino  FHP / Potsdam, Germany

28.04.  Große Halle - Reitschule / Bern, Switzerland

27.04. Schuppen - Mattenstrasse  / Basel, Switzerland

           Basso / Basel, Switzerland
12.01 Mensch Meier / Berlin, Germany


16.09. Mensch Meier / Berlin, Germany
09.09. Disko Babel / Berlin, Germany
04.08. Sonnerden Festival / Gersfeld, Germany
27.08. Mit Dir Festival / Friedland, Germany
09.07. Lichthoftheater / Hamburg, Germany
06.07. HfMT / Hamburg, Germany
17.06. Tavaril Festival / Saxon Switzerland, Germany
19.05. Humboldthain / Berlin, Germany


17.12. Spirale / Berlin, Germany
10.12. [...] / Berlin, Germany
13.08. traumburg Festival / Dornburg, Germany
12.08. WeGoApartWithArt Festival / Neukirch, Germany
29.07. Para Yok Festival / Berlin, Germany
18.06. Tavaril Festival / Saxon Switzerland, Germany


11.09. Puschkin Club / Dresden, Germany
28.08. Tangent Festival / Brandenburg, Germany
21.08. WeGoApartWithArt Festival / Neukirch, Germany

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